This example shows how you can include a small calendar with links to events, on another page of your choice!

Presume that the text on this page is the original site. In this case, the iFrame statement below, is simply pasted into a table cell on the left!

Does it have to be an ASP page?

No! iFrames perform the ASP functions from within other pages (such as HTML) or from ASP pages such as this one. Or, use it in combination with an existing MC script, as is done in this example:
  Small Calendar and Today's Events           More Implementation Help

Simply find the spot where the iFrame tag should be, and paste it in according to the instructions on the right.

How do I use an iFrame?

1. Simply open a copy of the page that should include the
    calendar. (Example: in Notepad)
2. Paste an iFrame tag similar to the one below, into the
    source code. (The frame and border sizes are optional.)
3. Save the file, and upload if necessary.

<iframe width="210" height="260" frameborder="0" src="mc/ddl_small.asp"> </iframe>

This iFrame statement presumes that:
  * The main MultiCalendars folder will be named MC,
  * The MC folder is contained in the site's root directory,
  * The file being modified to contain the iFrame statement,
      is also contained in the site's root directory.


If the iFrame tag isn't working, please check that the include statement path has been modified according to your installation.

1. <iframe src="mc/ddl_small.asp"></iframe>
   (Is mc the name of your Multi Calendars folder?)

2. <iframe src="another_folder/mc/ddl_small.asp"></iframe>
   (Does the MC folder have a another folder between it and
    the iFrame file?)

3. If the iFrame file is not located in the root directory, and if
    your server allows .. in its parent paths, you can further
    modify the path as shown below.

<iframe src="../mc/ddl_small.asp"></iframe>

The server would now look for the MC folder, one directory back from the current location of the page containing the iFrame.